2022 The original game is fairly similar to gin rummy: The players draw and discard tiles to assemble a winning hand of 14, usually consisting of four sets of three and a pair. John Wilkens, San Diego Union-Tribune, 10 Apr. 2022 Sitting with his wife, Mimi, playing gin rummy at a table outside Gate H, Strickland said rheumatic fever kept him away from ballparks as a child. 2022 Her sister, Wanda Adcock, said the siblings entertained themselves with board games and gin rummy. Neal Rubin, Detroit Free Press, 12 Aug. 2022 Jacobs' other current responsibilities include serving on the boards of Promote the Vote and the Jewish Fund, coaching young women running for office, and hosting an occasional gang of friends for a gin rummy/mahjong hybrid called Rummikub. 2020 The game is oft compared to gin rummy, a card game which similarly relies on both luck and skill.
Recent Examples on the Web The object of the game, reminiscent of gin rummy, involves drawing tiles or taking discards to form sets: chi, a sequence of three tiles from one suit pong, a trio of identical tiles and kong, an elevated pong, all four of any tile.